3D Environments - Level Art - Map Set Dressing

Our team specializes in creating immersive environment-level art and map set dressing, ensuring that all visual assets are seamlessly aligned with the game's design, technical requirements, and artistic vision. Our services encompass the entire process, including full-level and map concept art, environmental prop creation, material and texture development, lighting design, and asset integration within the game engine to bring environments to life.

Key aspects of environment-level art and map set dressing integration include:

  1. Full Level Map Concept Art: We take your greybox map/level and create a full concept art paint over, covering every inch of the map/level.

  2. Asset Placement: Placing 3D models, textures, and environmental elements in-game, ensuring they fit logically within the level layout.

  3. Optimization: Balancing aesthetic quality with performance by optimizing assets to maintain frame rate, memory usage, and technical stability.

  4. Lighting and Shading: Setting up dynamic or static lighting, shadows, and post-processing effects to enhance the mood and atmosphere of the environment.

  5. Consistency: Ensuring all assets adhere to the overall art direction and that transitions between different areas of the level feel natural and immersive.

  6. Interactive Elements: Integrating assets with interactive features like destructible environments, collision meshes, etc, ensuring they function within the game engine.

Below are examples of our environment-level art and map set dressing process from Aliens: Fireteam Elite

Environment Level Art and Map Set Dressing - Concept Art

Our level and map development begins with a comprehensive concept art breakdown. We collaborate closely with level designers to refine the design and produce detailed concept art that supports the 3D level art teams. Below is a brief example of our process in action.

Environment Level Art and Map Set Dressing - 3d Asset Creation & Integration

The levels and maps showcased below were fully brought to life using Unreal Engine 4. Throughout the set dressing process, we collaborated closely with the level designers at Cold Iron to ensure a seamless and immersive integration of visual elements.

The Trailer below showcases the final results of some of our work in the game.